Fall is here! Its a time for snuggling and playing and being mischievous! Nights are longer and humans are around much more. We had such fun with our Spring Contest we thought we'd run another. This Frisky Fall contest will be to benefit kitties in need.
Here's what's going to happen. For
every entry I am going to donate $1
AND Sammy & Miles are going to donate $1 as well!
That means every entry earns $2 to kitties in need! Now its hard to choose just one cause or one kitty so we've decided to do a 80%/20% split and award the prizes to 2 charities or kitties in need. To choose who benefits we're going to take names and put them in a hat. Then Kaze is going to choose #1 & #2 this way its fair and there are no favorites (unless your slip of paper has bacon grease on it, then you might have a better chance at winning). Oh, and if you win we're going to award tiered prizes as well because we're cats so we're selfish and want something for ourselves!
This contest is for ALL blogging animals (buns, rats, woofies, etc), not just meezers so please tell your friends to join us. Should anyone want to sponsor a category, please let us know and we'd be thrilled with that (like best bun, best meezer, etc.)
Sponsored Categories (special rules and prizes determined by sponsors and posted later):
Best Tuxedo Cat- sponsored by the
Tuxedo Gang
Best Floofy Cat-
Floof and FurLazy Crazy Fall-
Sassy CatPrizes will come from Siamese Rescue and are as follows:
1st Place Millie Bed
2nd Place Purr pad and toys
3rd Place $10 gift certificate.
So, what do you do? Do what you do best, create something (no, not in the litterbox sort of way)! As with the Spring Contest we decided there are two elements that bind us all together- words and photography. We don't want to put anyone in a "box" so we're going to keep the parameters loose but we are going to require three main things.
1. You must have a written element (a couple of lines, a poem, short story, etc.). The words must be your own (with your human's translation help of course). Its OK to use inspiration from other sources (ie human poets) but please make the words flow from your own mouth :) and site any sources of inspiration.2. You must have a photographic element. The photograph be just that- simple and focused on cats and Fall. While we all love Photoshopped pictures this contest is about impulsive frisky behavior so please just post pictures that are simple and with minimal Photoshop help. Even if its just a picture of you in a sunspot, that's perfect!3. Your content must focus on cats (of course) AND Fall (leaves, sun spots, stroller rides, Halloween, pumpkins, etc.). Whatever you think of when you think of Fall. You can use the photo and written elements to express both or use the photo for cats and the words for Fall or however you want. Just make sure your complete entry focuses on both.Entries are open NOW until 11:59 PM (EST) October 19th, 2008. At that time we will open up voting to the general public until October 24th 2008 11:59 PM. From the top viewers choices we will choose our winners from a panel of human judges. The winners will be announced on October 27th.
Please provide a link to your blog at the end of your entry and label the post like this:
(Your name) Frisky FallLog in info: siamesefall
Password: friskyfall08
Any questions? E-mail me SIMPLYSIAMESEatGMAILdotCOM
And its our contest, so we retain the right to change things should we see fit.
Simply Siamese